何西淼,bv伟德官网教授,博士生导师,同济医学院伟德vb生理学系主任,基因组与蛋白质组研究中心主任,国家高层次人才青年项目获得者,国家重点研发计划课题负责人,国自然联合基金重点支持项目课题负责人。2009年中科院北京基因组研究所获基因组学博士学位。2009年10月至2016年9月于美国国立卫生研究院国家癌症研究所(NCI, NIH)历任博士后,Research Fellow。长期从事生物信息学、多组学与精准医学研究。目前已在Genome Research、Nucleic Acids Research、Advanced Science、Epigenetics & Chromatin、Genome Biology and Evolution、GPB、iScience等期刊上发表文章58篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者30篇,总引用3200余次,H-index为19,H10-index为25。国际计算生物学协会(ISCB)与国际人类基因组组织(HUGO)成员。中国生物信息学会表观遗传信息学专委会委员;武汉市生理学学会理事长;湖北省生理学学会常务理事;湖北省生物信息学学会理事;湖北省医学会遗传学分会委员。2016年8月起,任Evolutionary Bioinformatics副主编。2019年12月起,任Current Medical Science编委。科学出版社十四五规划教材《生理学》教材编委。发表教学论文2篇。获校教学质量优秀奖二等奖,获校“我最喜爱的教师班主任”称号,并多次获优秀教师班主任称号。
学术工作经历(Academic Positions)
2017.6-至今 bv伟德官网同济医学院伟德vb生理学系 主任
2016.11-至今 伟德vb基因组与蛋白质组研究中心 主任
2016.9-至今 bv伟德官网同济医学院伟德vb医学遗传学系 教授2014.9-2016.9 美国国立卫生研究院国家癌症研究所Research Fellow
2009.10-2014.9美国国立卫生研究院国家癌症研究所 博士后
2002.7-2004.9 北京华大基因研究中心 数据库组组长
主要学术兼职(Professional Activities)
国际计算生物学协会(ISCB) 会员
国际人类基因组组织(HUGO) 会员
Evolutionary Bioinformatics(IF=2.60)副主编(2016-至今)
Current Medical Science(IF=2.64)编委(2020-至今)
Discovery Medicine(IF=3.22)编委(2024-至今)
武汉市生理学学会 理事长(2022-至今)
湖北省生理学学会 常务理事(2018-至今)
湖北省生物信息学学会 理事(2018-至今)
bv伟德官网欧美同学会 副会长(2018-至今)
主要学术贡献(Research Achievements)
构建了DNA甲基化与癌症关系基因组学数据库。(He X.,et al.(2008)Nucleic Acids Research36:D836-41),第一作者身份在Nucleic Acids Research上发表论文4篇。文章单篇引用最高209次,被Cell,Science,Nature Reviews Genetics, Genome Research, NAR等著名期刊引用。
揭示DNA甲基化,核小体排布与转录因子结合以及基因表达调控的相互关系,在体内基因组水平证实甲基化能促进转录因子与DNA的结合(Mann I.*,…,He X.*,et al.(2013)Genome Res.23:6 988-97);单碱基水平绘制了小鼠两种细胞的甲基化图谱(He X.et al.(2014)Epigenetics & Chromatin7:34);全基因组证实核小体介导的转录因子协同作用(He X., et al. (2013)BMC Genomics14(1) :428 ) ,相关文章被Cell,Nature Reviews Genetics等著名期刊多次引用。
证实甲基化的CG高突变率能产生新的转录因子结合位点从而加速进化(He X.,et al.(2015)Genome Biology and Evolution7(11):3155-69);发现了DNA甲基化在进化上的新功能,文章发表后被Nature,Nucleic Acids Research等著名期刊引用。
利用多组学和细胞生物学等手段研究与DNA甲基化等密切相关的慢性疾病,包括心血管疾病和癌症。心血管疾病方面的研究成果包括:1)发现B2M能预测冠心病严重性(BMC Cardiovasc Disord.2017;17(1):71.并列通讯作者,SCI他引34次);2)发现MDK具有抑制心脏瓣膜钙化的功能(Front Cell Dev Biol2021;9:794058.通讯作者);3)报道扩心病、冠心病和限制性心肌病共同的转录组特征(iScience2022;25(3):103935.并列通讯作者);4)用单细胞测序技术发现小鼠成年心脏中有一群特异的单核二倍体心肌细胞,在心梗时可能发挥重要功能(Frontiers of Medicine2023;17(5):939-956通讯作者)等。
胶质瘤研究已经取得的成果包括:1)报道TXNDC11在胶质瘤中的促癌作用(Transl Cancer Res.2021;10(12):5040-5051.并列通讯作者);2)建立生信模型计算血脑屏障分数预测胶质瘤恶性程度(J Clin Med.2022;11(19):5863.共同作者);3)基于RNA结合蛋白构建模型预测胶质瘤预后(Curr Med Sci.2023;43(1):156-165.共同作者);4)报道荜茇酰胺可逆转替莫唑胺放化疗(RT/TMZ)引起的活性氧(ROS)减少并重置肿瘤微环境以治愈胶质瘤(J Exp Clin Canc Res2023;42(1):118并列通讯作者)等。
Pu H*, Gao C*, Zou Y*, Zhao L, Li G, Liu C, Zhao L, Zheng M, Sheng G, Sun X, Hao X, Wang C^,He X^, Xiao J^. (2024) Single cell transcriptome profiling of infrapatellar fat pad highlights the role of interstitial inflammatory fibroblasts in osteoarthritis.Int Immunopharmacol.131:111888.
Tian Q*, Yin Y*, Tian Y*, Wang Y, Wang YF, Fukunaga R, Fujii T, Liao AH, Li L, Zhang W,He X^, Xiang W^, Zhou LQ^, (2024) Chromatin Modifier EP400 Regulates Oocyte Quality and Zygotic Genome Activation in Mice.Adv Sci. e2308018. doi: 10.1002/advs.202308018
Fan Y*, Liu X, Guan F, Hang X,He X^, Jin J^. (2024) Investigating the Potential Shared Molecular Mechanisms between COVID-19 and Alzheimer's Disease via Transcriptomic Analysis.Viruses.16(1):100.
Zhu M*, Liang H*, Zhang Z, Jiang H, Pu J, Hang X, Zhou Q, Xiang J,He X^.(2023) Distinct mononuclear diploid cardiac subpopulation with minimal cell-cell communications persists in embryonic and adult mammalian heart.Front Med.17(5):939-956.
Liu F*, Zhou Q*, Jiang HF*, Zhang TT, Miao C, Xu XH, Wu JX, Yin SL, Xu SJ, Peng JY, Gao PP, Cao X^, Pan F^,He X^, Chen XQ^. (2023) Piperlongumine conquers temozolomide chemoradiotherapy resistance to achieve immune cure in refractory glioblastoma via boosting oxidative stress-inflamation-CD8+-T cell immunity.J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 42(1):118.
Yin Y*, Liu XZ*, Tian Q, Fan YX, Ye Z, Meng TQ, Wei GH, Xiong CL, Li HG^,He X^, Zhou LQ^. (2022) Transcriptome and DNA methylome analysis of peripheral blood samples reveals incomplete restoration and transposable element activation after 3-months recovery of COVID-19.Front Cell Dev Biol.10:1001558
Guo SM*, Liu XP*, Tian Q*, Fei CF, Zhang YR, Li ZM, Yin Y^,He X^, Zhou LQ^. (2022) Regulatory roles of alternative splicing at Ezh2 gene in mouse oocytes.Reprod Biol Endocrinol.20(1):99
Zhu M*, Zhang C*, Zhang Z, Liao X, Ren D, Li R, Liu S,He X^, Dong N^. (2022) Changes in transcriptomic landscape in human end-stage heart failure with distinct etiology.iScience. 25(3):103935
Dong Y*, Liu X*, Jiang B, Wei S, Xiang B, Liao R, Wang Q^,He X^. (2022) A Genome-Wide Investigation of Effects of Aberrant DNA Methylation on the Usage of Alternative Promoters in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.Front Oncol.11:780266.
Peng P, Cheng F, Dong Y, Chen Z, Zhang X, Guo D, Yu X, Lu Y, Ke Y, Zhang B^,He X^, Wan F^. (2021) High expression of TXNDC11 indicated unfavorable prognosis of glioma.Transl Cancer Res.10(12):5040-5051.
Sun KY#, Guo SM#, Cheng GP#, Yin Y,He X^, Zhou LQ^. (2021) Cleavage-embryo genes and transposable elements are regulated by histone variant H2A.X.J Reprod Dev.67(5):307-312
Zhou Q*, Cao H*, Hang X, Liang H, Zhu M, Fan Y, Shi J, Dong N^,He X^. (2021) Midkine Prevents Calcification of Aortic Valve Interstitial Cells via Intercellular Crosstalk.Front Cell Dev Biol.9:794058.
Gao C*, Pu H*, Zhou Q*, Tao T, Liu H, Sun X,He X^, Xiao J^. (2021) Two reactive behaviors of chondrocytes in an IL-1β-induced inflammatory environment revealed by the single-cell RNA sequencing.Aging13(8):11646-11664.
Yin Y, Liu XZ,He X^, Zhou LQ^, (2021) Exogenous Coronavirus Interacts With Endogenous Retrotransposon in Human Cells.Front Cell Infect Microbiol.11:609160.
Fan Y., Hang X.,He X^, (2020)The impact factors of 3D genome organization.Sci Sin Vitae50: 465–483
Jin J.*,He X.^,Silva E.^, (2020) The stable intronic sequence RNAs (sisRNA) are selected regions in introns with distinct properties.BMC Genomics21(1):287
Qin Y*, Dong X*, Lu M, Jing L, Chen Q, Guan F, Xiang Z, Huang J, Yang C,He X, Qu J^, Yang Z^. (2024) PARP1 interacts with WDR5 to enhance target gene recognition and facilitate tumorigenesis.Cancer Letters. 593:216952.
Cai Z*, Zhu M*, Xu L*, Wang Y, Xu Y, Yim WY, Cao H, Guo R, Qiu X,He X, Shi J, Qiao W^, Dong N^. (2024) Directed Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Heart Valve Cells.Circulation149(18):1435-1456
Huang J, Jin S, Guo R, Wu W, Yang C, Qin Y, Chen Q,He X, Qu J^, Yang Z^. (2024) Histone lysine demethylase KDM5B facilitates proliferation and suppresses apoptosis in human acute myeloid leukemia cells through the miR-140-3p/BCL2 axis.RNA. 30(4):435-447. doi: 10.1261/rna.079865.123.
Wang Y, Sun Z, Ping J, Tang J, He B, Chang T, Zhou Q, Yuan S, Tang Z, Li X, Lu Y, He R,He X, Liu Z^, Yin L^, Wu N^. (2023) Cell volume controlled by LRRC8A-formed volume-regulated anion channels fine-tunes T cell activation and function.Nat Commun.14(1):7075.
Wang HX*, Liu XZ*,He X, Xiao C, Huang DX, Yi SH. (2023) Identification of Mixtures of Two Types of Body Fluids Using the Multiplex Methylation System and Random Forest Models.Curr Med Sci.43(5):908-918.
Peng P, Chen ZR, Zhang XL, Guo DS, Zhang B,He X, Wan F. (2023) Construction and Verification of an RNA-Binding Protein-Associated Prognostic Model for Gliomas.Curr Med Sci.43(1):156-165.
Mei NH, Guo SM, Zhou Q, Zhang YR, Liu XZ, Yin Y,He X, Yang J, Yin TL, Zhou LQ. (2023) H3K4 Methylation Promotes Expression of Mitochondrial Dynamics Regulators to Ensure Oocyte Quality in Mice.Adv Sci. 10(12):e2204794.
Li X, Li L, Zhou K, Zhang H, Maalim AA, Chen X,He X, Ding X, Xu C, Wang Y. (2022) Glioma Shapes Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity and Remodels the Tumor Microenvironment: Links with Clinical Features and Prognosis.J Clin Med.11(19):5863.
Tian Q, Tian Y,He X, Yin Y, Zhou LQ. (2022) Ppan is essential for preimplantation development in mice†.Biol Reprod.107(3):723-731.
Cheng GP, Guo SM, Yin Y, Li YY,He X, Zhou LQ. (2022) Aberrant Expression of Mitochondrial SAM Transporter SLC25A26 Impairs Oocyte Maturation and Early Development in Mice.Oxid Med Cell Longev.2022:1681623.
Fei CF, Guo SM, Yin Y,He X, Zhou LQ. (2022) Exposure of mouse oocytes to N,N-dimethylformamide impairs mitochondrial functions and reduces oocyte quality.Environ Toxicol.37(7):1563-1574.
Chen H, Xue J, Zhang Z, Zhang G, Xu X, Li H, Zhang R, Ullah N, Chen L, Amanullah, Zang Z, Lai S,He X, Li W, Guan M, Li J, Chen L, Deng C. (2022) High-speed rail model reveals the gene tandem amplification mediated by short repeated sequence in eukaryote.Sci Rep.12(1):2289.
Huang H, Liu X, Cheng J, Xu L,He X, Xiao C, Huang D, Yi S. (2022) A novel multiplex assay system based on 10 methylation markers for forensic identification of body fluids.J Forensic Sci.67(1):136-148.
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