李建莎,女,1975年生,副教师。1998年毕业于同济医科大学,获学士学位,并于同年留校于病理教研室任教。2004年6月获得病理学硕士学位,2007年6月获病理学博士学位。本科毕业留校后一直从事病理学教学、科研及外检工作。自2001年开始研究survivin与恶性肿瘤发生发展及预后的关系,2004年博士期间参加国家基金资助课题“β-连环素/tcf信号在气道上皮细胞鳞状化生中的作用”(no.30200115)和“气道上皮损伤修复中gsk3活性变化对细胞骨架的影响”(no.30470757)的研究工作。自2008年6月至2010年5月于美国emory大学儿科血液/肿瘤系周木想教授实验室做博士后研究。作为课题负责人已完成国家自然科学基金青年基金“肺癌中糖原合酶激酶3β促进survivin核内转位的作用及机制探讨”(no. 30900545)一项及湖北省自然科学基金“gsk3及相关蛋白与survivin在肺癌发生中的作用研究”(2007aba130)一项。目前作为第三名参与国家自然科学基金重点项目“细胞外钙感受器在肺动脉高压发生发展中的作用及机制”(no:81330001,290.0万,起止时间:2014.01-2018.12)。
1. xiong j, yang q, li j, zhou s. effects of mdm2 inhibitors on vascular endothelial growth factor-mediated tumor angiogenesis in human breast cancer. angiogenesis. 2014 jan;17(1):37-50.
2. tan r, li j (co-author), peng x, zhu l, cai l, wang t, su y, irani k, hu q. gapdh is critical for superior efficacy of female bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on pulmonary hypertension. cardiovasc res. 2013 oct 1;100(1):19-27.
3. li j, gu l, zhang h, liu t, tian d, zhou m, zhou s. berberine represses daxx gene transcription and induces cancer cell apoptosis. lab invest. 2013 mar;93(3):354-64.
4. song s, li j (co-author), zhu l, cai l, xu q, ling c, su y, hu q. irregular ca2+ oscillations regulate transcription via cumulative spike duration and spike amplitude. j biol chem. 2012 nov 23;287(48):40246-55.
5. zhang h, he j, li j, tian d, gu l, zhou m. methylation of rassf1a gene promoter is regulated by p53 and daxx. faseb j. 2013 jan;27(1):232-42.
6. zhang x, gu l, li j, shah n, he j, yang l, hu q, zhou m. degradation of mdm2 by the interaction between berberine and daxx leads to potent apoptosis in mdm2-overexpressing cancer cells. cancer res. 2010 dec 1;70(23):9895-904.
7. wang m, li n, li j, ma y, li d, qin l, wang x, wu r. involvement of p120 in lps-induced nf-kappab activation and il-8 production in human bronchial epithelial cells. toxicol lett. 2010 may 19;195(1):75-81.
8. tian d, zhu m, li j, ma y, wu r. cigarette smoke extract induces activation of beta-catenin/tcf signaling through inhibiting gsk3beta in human alveolar epithelial cell line. toxicol lett. 2009 may 22;187(1):58-62.
9. li j, xing m, zhu m, wang x, wang m, zhou s, li n, wu r, zhou m. glycogen synthase kinase 3beta induces apoptosis in cancer cells through increase of survivin nuclear localization. cancer lett. 2008 dec 8;272(1):91-101.
10. li jian-sha, zhu min, tian dan, wu ren-liang. glycogen synthase kinase 3b induces cell cycle arrest in a cyclin d1-dependent manner in human lung adenocarcinoma cell line a549. acta physiologica sinica, 2007,59(2).
11. zhu m, tian d, li j, ma y, wang y, wu r. glycogen synthase kinase 3beta and beta-catenin are involved in the injury and repair of bronchial epithelial cells induced by scratching. exp mol pathol. 2007 aug;83(1):30-8.
12. 李建莎, 朱敏, 吴人亮*. 锂对a549细胞增殖及细胞周期进展的影响 bv伟德官网学报(医学版),2007,36(2).
13. li jiansha, wu huanming. expression of survivin in human non hodgkin’s lymphoma correlation with proliferation and angiogenesis. journal of huahzhong university of science and technology (health sciences; english version), 2006,26(5):504-507.
14.李建莎,吴人亮*。糖原合成酶激酶3的调节和功能 医学分子生物学杂志,2006,3(5):383-386.